Absolutely No Steam Leaks, offering choice of Buck Sizes at no Additional Charge. Available with optional vacuum and fabric heads. This puff iron is equipped with dual pedals which are available on all puff irons. New improved vacuum valve on vacuum models. -33PS (Triple Puff, #1 Ladies Shoulder, #2 Mushroom, #4C Sleever) -33PSD (Triple Puff, Dual Pedals and #1 Ladies Shoulder, #2 Mushroom, #4C Sleever) -33PSV (Triple, Vacuum, #1 Ladies Shoulder, #2 Mushroom, #4C Sleever) -33PSVD (Triple, Vacuum, Dual Pedals and #1 Ladies Shoulder, #2 Mushroom, #4C Sleever) 33PSVH (Triple with Vacuum, Fabric Heads and #1 Ladies Shoulder, #2 Mushroom, #4C Sleever)